

盗你没商量 第五季


  • 片名:飞天大盗第五季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:艾德里安·莱斯特/罗伯特·格林尼斯特/Rob Jarvis/
  • 导演:James Strong/
  • 年份:2009
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:剧情/悬疑/犯罪/欧美/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2009-01-08
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-05-02 01:41
  • 简介:  偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。  Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。  Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。  Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。  ---------------------------------------------  HUSTLE  Thursday 08 January  9:00pm - 10:00pm  BBC1  There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, the usual quirks are there: a plot made of brightly coloured Sticklebricks, characters mugging at the camera, a fatal fondness for flashbacks and Adrian Lester delivering his lines as if it were an elocution contest. And if that weren't enough, there's another hitch: Marc Warren and Jaime Murray have left the series, and losing two-fifths of your lead cast would dent any drama. So with Danny and Stacey "still in the States" after the Las Vegas finale of the last series, and Albert (Robert Vaughn) in prison, Mickey (Lester) is looking to assemble a new crew, with the help of Ash (Robert Glenister) - still the only one you could almost believe, if you half-closed your eyes, might be a con man. Luckily, Albert has found a tempting mark to get them started.  VIDEO Plus+: 9595  Episode written by Tony Jordan  Cast  Mickey "Bricks" Stone - Adrian Lester  Ash Morgan - Robert Glenister  Sean Kennedy - Matt Di Angelo  Emma Kennedy - Kelly Adams  Albert Stroller - Robert Vaughn  Eddie - Rob Jarvis  Cyclops - Bill Bailey  Neil Ryder - Johnny Phillips  Rory - David Kennedy  Prison guard - Gary Cargill  Roger Levell - Steve Hope Wynne  Martha - Leena Dhingra  Gary - David Semark
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导演:James Strong

演员:艾德里安·莱斯特,罗伯特·格林尼斯特,Rob Jarvis

更新时间:2024-05-02 01:41




  偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。  Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。  Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。  Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。  ---------------------------------------------  HUSTLE  Thursday 08 January  9:00pm - 10:00pm  BBC1  There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, the usual quirks are there: a plot made of brightly coloured Sticklebricks, characters mugging at the camera, a fatal fondness for flashbacks and Adrian Lester delivering his lines as if it were an elocution contest. And if that weren't enough, there's another hitch: Marc Warren and Jaime Murray have left the series, and losing two-fifths of your lead cast would dent any drama. So with Danny and Stacey "still in the States" after the Las Vegas finale of the last series, and Albert (Robert Vaughn) in prison, Mickey (Lester) is looking to assemble a new crew, with the help of Ash (Robert Glenister) - still the only one you could almost believe, if you half-closed your eyes, might be a con man. Luckily, Albert has found a tempting mark to get them started.  VIDEO Plus+: 9595  Episode written by Tony Jordan  Cast  Mickey "Bricks" Stone - Adrian Lester  Ash Morgan - Robert Glenister  Sean Kennedy - Matt Di Angelo  Emma Kennedy - Kelly Adams  Albert Stroller - Robert Vaughn  Eddie - Rob Jarvis  Cyclops - Bill Bailey  Neil Ryder - Johnny Phillips  Rory - David Kennedy  Prison guard - Gary Cargill  Roger Levell - Steve Hope Wynne  Martha - Leena Dhingra  Gary - David Semark


《飞天大盗第五季》是James Strong于2009拍摄的一部经典电视剧。此片开创中国欧美剧当代电视剧的先河,《飞天大盗第五季》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时艾德里安·莱斯特,罗伯特·格林尼斯特,Rob Jarvis均为最佳主角,艾德里安·莱斯特,罗伯特·格林尼斯特,Rob Jarvis以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国欧美剧影坛地位。艾德里安·莱斯特,罗伯特·格林尼斯特,Rob Jarvis饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。James Strong之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《飞天大盗第五季》却奠定James Strong电视剧风格。《飞天大盗第五季》首映时曾获海外欧美剧和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀欧美剧齐名。

被称为欧美剧的开先河之作的《飞天大盗第五季》,是James Strong最好的作品吗?


  偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。  Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。  Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。  Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。  ---------------------------------------------  HUSTLE  Thursday 08 January  9:00pm - 10:00pm  BBC1  There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, the usual quirks are there: a plot made of brightly coloured Sticklebricks, characters mugging at the camera, a fatal fondness for flashbacks and Adrian Lester delivering his lines as if it were an elocution contest. And if that weren't enough, there's another hitch: Marc Warren and Jaime Murray have left the series, and losing two-fifths of your lead cast would dent any drama. So with Danny and Stacey "still in the States" after the Las Vegas finale of the last series, and Albert (Robert Vaughn) in prison, Mickey (Lester) is looking to assemble a new crew, with the help of Ash (Robert Glenister) - still the only one you could almost believe, if you half-closed your eyes, might be a con man. Luckily, Albert has found a tempting mark to get them started.  VIDEO Plus+: 9595  Episode written by Tony Jordan  Cast  Mickey "Bricks" Stone - Adrian Lester  Ash Morgan - Robert Glenister  Sean Kennedy - Matt Di Angelo  Emma Kennedy - Kelly Adams  Albert Stroller - Robert Vaughn  Eddie - Rob Jarvis  Cyclops - Bill Bailey  Neil Ryder - Johnny Phillips  Rory - David Kennedy  Prison guard - Gary Cargill  Roger Levell - Steve Hope Wynne  Martha - Leena Dhingra  Gary - David Semark


《飞天大盗第五季》是一部欧美剧电视剧,由导演:James Strong执导,主演:艾德里安·莱斯特,罗伯特·格林尼斯特,Rob Jarvis,

  偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。  Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。  Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。  Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。  ---------------------------------------------  HUSTLE  Thursday 08 January  9:00pm - 10:00pm  BBC1  There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, the usual quirks are there: a plot made of brightly coloured Sticklebricks, characters mugging at the camera, a fatal fondness for flashbacks and Adrian Lester delivering his lines as if it were an elocution contest. And if that weren't enough, there's another hitch: Marc Warren and Jaime Murray have left the series, and losing two-fifths of your lead cast would dent any drama. So with Danny and Stacey "still in the States" after the Las Vegas finale of the last series, and Albert (Robert Vaughn) in prison, Mickey (Lester) is looking to assemble a new crew, with the help of Ash (Robert Glenister) - still the only one you could almost believe, if you half-closed your eyes, might be a con man. Luckily, Albert has found a tempting mark to get them started.  VIDEO Plus+: 9595  Episode written by Tony Jordan  Cast  Mickey "Bricks" Stone - Adrian Lester  Ash Morgan - Robert Glenister  Sean Kennedy - Matt Di Angelo  Emma Kennedy - Kelly Adams  Albert Stroller - Robert Vaughn  Eddie - Rob Jarvis  Cyclops - Bill Bailey  Neil Ryder - Johnny Phillips  Rory - David Kennedy  Prison guard - Gary Cargill  Roger Levell - Steve Hope Wynne  Martha - Leena Dhingra  Gary - David Semark




  • 已完结
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    10.0 杰西卡·贝尔/梅兰妮·林斯基/莎朗·莫里斯/Dash McCloud/Antonella Rose/Russell Thomas/布鲁斯·麦金农/Jesse Gallegos/Rick Espaillat/Annie Cook/巴勃罗·施瑞博尔/蒂莫西·西蒙斯/赛琳娜·安杜兹/利兹·麦吉弗/普雷斯顿·詹姆斯·希利耶/
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  • 全23集
    9.0 ตอน สัญญาใจ/Club Friday to be continued/心里的承诺/誓言/
  • 已完结
  • 已完结
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    2.0 克拉克·格雷格/温明娜/汪可盈/伊恩·德·卡斯泰克/伊丽莎白·亨斯屈奇/亨利·西蒙斯/娜塔丽·科尔多瓦/杰夫·沃德/德尼兹·阿克代尼兹/乔尔·斯托弗/Peter A. Hulne/德里克·梅耶斯/内森·巴特勒/杰梅因·布兰特利/约翰·沃沙/尼克·布拉德/普路特·泰勒·文斯/


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