

代号Bell Bottom / 印度劫机案 / 喇叭裤特工


  • 片名:幻影行动
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:阿克谢·库玛尔/
  • 导演:Ranjit Tiwari/
  • 年份:2021
  • 地区:印度
  • 类型:动作/惊悚/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2021-01-22
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2023-07-06 10:28
  • 简介:In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven www.yuankan.cc years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.
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导演:Ranjit Tiwari


更新时间:2023-07-06 10:28




In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven www.yuankan.cc years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.


《幻影行动》是Ranjit Tiwari于2021拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国动作片当代电影的先河,《幻影行动》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时阿克谢·库玛尔均为最佳主角,阿克谢·库玛尔以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国动作片影坛地位。阿克谢·库玛尔饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。Ranjit Tiwari之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《幻影行动》却奠定Ranjit Tiwari电影风格。《幻影行动》首映时曾获海外动作片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀动作片齐名。

被称为动作片的开先河之作的《幻影行动》,是Ranjit Tiwari最好的作品吗?


In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven www.yuankan.cc years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.


《幻影行动》是一部动作片电影,由导演:Ranjit Tiwari执导,主演:阿克谢·库玛尔,

In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven www.yuankan.cc years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.






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